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Admission to School

At Brook Acre Community Primary School, our admissions operate in line with Warrington Local Authority admissions procedures for community schools.

Please click this link (https://www.warrington.gov.uk/primary-school-admissionsto view Warrington Local Authority admissions information – the admissions procedure booklet. The admissions criteria for community schools is on Page 4, Section 1.2.

If you require further advice or guidance about admission arrangements or any general admissions queries, please do not hesitate to contact 01925 442948 or email schooladmissions@warrington.gov.uk.

Admission to Nursery

Nursery education provides an excellent opportunity for your children to expand their world and increase their learning opportunities. 

For more information on nursery school admission, please click on this link (https://www.warrington.gov.uk/primary-school-admissions) or contact the school to arrange a visit.

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