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Teacher: Mrs Blundell

Teaching Assistants: Miss Deehan 


Welcome to Nursery. We pride ourselves on the love and care given to our children. In FS1 we endeavour to give every child the best possible start to their education.  Children learn best when they are happy, feel safe and valued which is why we invest so much time into our children following their interests and supporting their learning through play.

Every half term we choose an exciting topic to enrich the children’s knowledge and vocabulary.

Please take a look at our Learning Journey booklets to see the exciting topics we cover.

Things to remember:

  • Reading is such an important part of our journey and children have access to our class library where they can select a book to share at home.  The children will also bring a play club bag home for you to share with them.  Enjoy 1:1 reading with your child reading each day.
  • Water bottles in daily.
  • Named PE kits to be kept in school for the half term. 
  • £1 per week snack money.
  • Please ensure that your child’s coat and bag are clearly labelled with their name on. 
  • Please can you ensure that your child has a labelled bag of spare clothes in Nursery at all times.


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