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Teacher: Miss O'Connor

Teaching Assistants: We are very lucky to have two amazing teaching assistants in FS2 -  Mrs Statham and Miss Preston

In FS2 we have lots of very imaginative and creative children who love to learn!

Welcome to FS2! In FS2 we set and build upon the early foundations of learning, which allow children to thrive and flourish throughout their early years at school.

We love fun and our classroom has lots of laughter, fun and games which help us to learn and grow.

The most important thing for us, is that every child feels safe, valued and happy to learn, which is why we invest lots of time getting to know our lovely children and understanding how they best learn and what makes them happy.

Each half term, we choose a new topic to support our learning and we use Tapestry (an online journal) so parents and carers can see photographs of our learning in school.

We love to read in FS2 and use books for lots of different areas of learning!  We teach phonics, literacy and maths daily and fill up our week with lots of other areas of learning and activities.

We can choose to learn inside or outside each day so don’t forget those warm coats in winter and sun cream and hats in the summer! We also might get a bit messy from time to time in our water area, mud kitchen and painting area!

Things to remember:

  • PE kits, homework etc.

We read as much as we can in FS2 so all children need to remember their reading books and reading record each day!  We ask that children read at least three times a week at home and parents and carers sign their records.

We also send home tricky words and high frequency words at different intervals to practise and learn.

In FS2 we do PE weekly. We ask that children bring their PE kits on the first day back each half term. They will be sent home to be washed every half term.

Children will bring home play club bags to learn with at home. These bags contain different activities to complete. Please look after these resources. They cost a lot of money and if things get lost or damaged, we cannot use the bag again.

In Foundation Stage we offer daily snack of fruit, milk and healthy snack which we ask families for a £1 weekly contribution to help us to fund. Children also need to bring a water bottle with water in each day.


We play and learn outdoors all year round so please send your child equipped for the unpredictable British weather.








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