Teachers: Mrs Rowlinson
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Watkins and Mrs Iqbal
Welcome to our class page. This is the place to come to discover what is going on in Year 5, you will be able to see our amazing work, exciting learning adventures and the fun that we are having in our class.
Year 5 is an exciting year, enriched by lots of opportunities and school trips.
Things to remember:
- All children must have an indoor and outdoor kit in school every day in preparation for PE, as lessons may at held on different days. Please ensure they are in full kit and are dressed appropriately for the weather.
- In Year 5, we are expecting the children to read at least 3 times a week. We will be asking the children to answer a question after they have read, to further develop their understanding of the text. This half term, we are asking the children to jot down a summary of what they have read in a sentence.
- The children will take at least one reading book home at a time to read. I would recommend you listen to your child read, asking them questions about what they have read. As the more your child reads and explores different books, the more progress they will make this year.
- Remember completing an activity on Reading Plus or Reading Eggs or counts as a read, if recorded in the child’s reading record.
- In addition, Year 5 will be looking at becoming confident with basic mathematical facts and will be set maths tasks throughout the term to help build their fluency. Through encouraging your child to go onto TT Rockstars or Hit the button, it will help develop their speed at recalling times table facts.