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Teacher: Miss Maio

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Dearden and Mrs Brady 

In Year 1 we love to learn! We are inquisitive learners and enjoy immersing ourselves in our exciting topics each term. Throughout the year, we will explore a range of quality texts during writing lessons and these will influence our learning in other areas of the curriculum too.

Some of our key topics this year will explore: seasons and weather, everyday materials, the gunpowder plot, animal groups, old and new toys, the first flight, and plants.

This year we will have the opportunity to go on a range of trips to enhance our learning.

We love to celebrate each other’s achievements and often enjoy sharing trophies and certificates that we have earned with our friends in class.

In the Summer Term, our Year 1 children will undertake the National Phonic Screening test. Throughout the year, we will work hard learning different sounds and apply this learning to read real and nonsense (alien) words. Keep an eye out for additional activities that children may bring home to support them with this.

Things to remember:

  • PE kits should always be in school and unbranded, they will be sent home at the end of term to be washed.
  • Water bottles in school each day and labelled with child’s name.
  • Homework – access Tapestry and Learning Journey booklets to find out about home learning opportunities and half-termly projects.
  • Please read with your child regularly throughout the week.
  • Reading Eggs, Numbots and Hit the Button are all great ways to reinforce learning at home.
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